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FileMaker Pro Database  |  1993-06-18  |  59KB  |  1,019 lines

  1. Lily@
  2. Participate@
  3. Spending@
  4. Worked@
  5. 91005I
  6. AdviseA
  7. December@
  8. OutstandingJ
  9. Tartikoff@
  10. Smith@
  11. 10010J
  14. HBAM2001MAY84
  15. Salespeople.FM:*
  16. Allison
  17. Beeses
  18. Billie
  19. Dayna
  20. Dormody
  21. Frank
  22. Jeepers
  23. Jeffry
  24. Jerry
  25. Johnny
  26. Jones
  27. Jonna
  28. Karen
  29. Longe
  30. Martin
  31. Morgan
  32. Sally
  33. Smith
  34. Smothers
  35. Thomas
  36. Torance
  37. Unassigned
  38. 956-3018
  39. 956-8705
  40. Academy
  41. Actresses
  42. Advertise
  43. Advertising
  44. Advise
  45. Advocate
  46. Again
  47. Allegra
  48. Among
  49. Anniversary
  50. Appreciate
  51. Associates
  52. Awards
  53. Aware
  54. Awareness
  55. Barbra
  56. Before
  57. Begin
  58. Better
  59. Bollero
  60. Brian
  61. Briefly
  62. Celebrate
  63. Celebration
  64. Chairwoman
  65. Children
  66. Clients
  67. Closing
  68. Community
  69. Congratulating
  70. Congratulatory
  71. Consideration
  72. Constantly
  73. Consultant
  74. Consumer
  75. Contact
  76. Contacts
  77. Current
  78. Customers
  79. Deadline
  80. December
  81. Decision
  82. Denny
  83. Director
  84. Directories
  85. Directory
  86. Discuss
  87. Doing
  88. Don't
  89. Dormody
  90. Dynamic
  91. Echelon
  92. Edition
  93. Elite
  94. Enclosed
  95. Entered
  96. Entertainment
  97. Entire
  98. Equally
  99. Executive
  100. Explained
  101. Exposure
  102. February
  103. Film's
  104. First
  105. Fonda
  106. Force
  107. Forward
  108. Forwardly
  109. Future
  110. Gayle
  111. Generate
  112. Growing
  113. Guess
  114. Guide
  115. Harriet
  116. Helping
  117. Highest
  118. Hollywood
  119. Honoring
  120. Humanitarian
  121. Hundreds
  122. Immediately
  123. Important
  124. Include
  125. Includes
  126. Including
  127. Income
  128. Individuals
  129. Industry
  130. Initial
  131. Interest
  132. Jaffee
  133. Jerry
  134. Lansing
  135. Lifetime
  136. Limited
  137. Looking
  138. Loyal
  139. Makers
  140. Marketing
  141. Martin
  142. Media
  143. Member
  144. Members
  145. Membership
  146. Might
  147. Miller
  148. Motion
  149. Neece
  150. Needs
  151. Network
  152. Networking
  153. Never
  154. Newsletter
  155. Official
  156. Opportunity
  157. Organization
  158. Other
  159. Outstanding
  160. Package
  161. Pages
  162. Paramount
  163. Participate
  164. Phone
  165. Picture
  166. Pictures
  167. Please
  168. Position
  169. Powerful
  170. Print
  171. Prior
  172. Producers
  173. Project
  174. Promotion
  175. Proven
  176. Published
  177. Quality
  178. Rates
  179. Reach
  180. Received
  181. Reference
  182. Repeat
  183. Request
  184. Reserve
  185. Reserved
  186. Resource
  187. Respectfully
  188. Reusable
  189. Salute
  190. Sciences
  191. Secondly
  192. Secretaries
  193. Section
  194. Sherry
  195. Should
  196. Silverman
  197. Sincerely
  198. Space
  199. Speaking
  200. Special
  201. Spending
  202. Spouses
  203. Spring
  204. Staff
  205. Starve
  206. Streisand
  207. Strong
  208. Studio
  209. Supplement
  210. Support
  211. Synthesis
  212. Tartikoff
  213. Taylor
  214. Telephone
  215. Thank
  216. Their
  217. Theme
  218. Themselves
  219. Thousands
  220. Today
  221. Tomlin
  222. Tributes
  223. Until
  224. Upfront
  225. Wardrobe
  226. While
  227. Women
  228. Worked
  229. Would
  230. Writers
  231. Years
  232. Bruce
  233. Directories
  234. Douglas
  235. Enterprises
  236. Extension/dept
  237. Gleason
  238. Guess
  239. Hello
  240. Hotel
  241. Marketing
  242. Michael
  243. Pavillion
  244. Resource
  245. Steadycam
  246. Westside
  247. Aviation
  248. Dreier
  249. Melrose
  250. Suite
  251. Arcadia
  252. Hollywood
  253. 90038
  254. 91005
  255. 91005
  256. 555-1238
  257. 555-1561
  258. 555-1871
  259. 555-2468
  260. 555-3334
  261. 555-3539
  262. 555-4488
  263. 555-5240
  264. 555-5584
  265. 555-6221
  266. 555-6559
  267. 917-8048
  268. Pager
  269. fffff`
  270. 956-3018
  271. 956-8705
  272. Academy
  273. Actresses
  274. Advertise
  275. Advertising
  276. Advise
  277. Advise
  278. Advocate
  279. Again
  280. Allegra
  281. Anniversary
  282. Appreciate
  283. Awards
  284. Awareness
  285. Barbra
  286. Before
  287. Begin
  288. Better
  289. Bollero
  290. Brian
  291. Briefly
  292. Celebrate
  293. Celebration
  294. Chairwoman
  295. Closing
  296. Community
  297. Congratulating
  298. Congratulatory
  299. Consideration
  300. Consultant
  301. Contacts
  302. Current
  303. Customers
  304. Deadline
  305. December
  306. Decision
  307. Denny
  308. Director
  309. Directories
  310. Directory
  311. Discuss
  312. Doing
  313. Dormody
  314. Dynamic
  315. Edition
  316. Enclosed
  317. Entered
  318. Entertainment
  319. Entire
  320. Equally
  321. Executive
  322. Explained
  323. February
  324. Film's
  325. Force
  326. Forward
  327. Future
  328. Growing
  329. Guess
  330. Guide
  331. Harriet
  332. Honoring
  333. Humanitarian
  334. Hundreds
  335. Immediately
  336. Important
  337. Include
  338. Includes
  339. Including
  340. Industry
  341. Initial
  342. Jerry
  343. Lansing
  344. Lifetime
  345. Limited
  346. Looking
  347. Loyal
  348. Makers
  349. Marketing
  350. Media
  351. Member
  352. Members
  353. Membership
  354. Miller
  355. Motion
  356. Neece
  357. Networking
  358. Never
  359. Newsletter
  360. Official
  361. Opportunity
  362. Other
  363. Outstanding
  364. Outstanding
  365. Package
  366. Pages
  367. Paramount
  368. Participate
  369. Picture
  370. Pictures
  371. Please
  372. Print
  373. Prior
  374. Producers
  375. Promotion
  376. Published
  377. Rates
  378. Reach
  379. Received
  380. Remarks
  381. Request
  382. Reserve
  383. Resource
  384. Respectfully
  385. Sciences
  386. Secondly
  387. Secretaries
  388. Section
  389. Sherry
  390. Silverman
  391. Sincerely
  392. Space
  393. Speaking
  394. Special
  395. Spending
  396. Spring
  397. Streisand
  398. Strong
  399. Studio
  400. Supplement
  401. Support
  402. Tartikoff
  403. Telephone
  404. Thank
  405. Their
  406. Theme
  407. Through
  408. Tributes
  409. Until
  410. Upfront
  411. Wardrobe
  412. Women
  413. Worked
  414. Would
  415. Writers
  416. Years
  417. Allison
  418. Beeses
  419. Billie
  420. Dayna
  421. Dormody
  422. Frank
  423. Jeepers
  424. Jeffry
  425. Jerry
  426. Johnny
  427. Jones
  428. Jonna
  429. Karen
  430. Longe
  431. Martin
  432. Morgan
  433. Sally
  434. Smith
  435. Smothers
  436. Thomas
  437. Torance
  438. Unassigned
  439. Jennifer
  440. 198324
  441. Avenue
  442. Conte
  443. Cynthia
  444. David
  445. Fifth
  446. Rodeo
  447. Suite
  448. Virginia
  449. Washington
  450. Angeles
  451. Baldwin
  452. Beverly
  453. Culver
  454. Hills
  455. Hollywood
  456. Westwood
  457. 10010
  458. 10010
  459. 90024
  460. 90064
  461. 90069
  462. 90212
  463. 90232
  464. 91706
  465. Barbara
  466. Featherstone
  467. Flaherty
  468. Jennifer
  469. Littlejohn
  470. Michael
  471. Molly
  472. Pamela
  473. Renee
  474. Roback
  475. Smith
  476. Stone
  477. Pro 2.0
  478. Main Dictionary
  479. User Dictionary
  480. 6/17/93
  481. ACTIVE
  482. ADDRESS
  490. BONUS
  494. COMPANY
  497. CREATED
  503.     MEDIA ZIP
  512. STATE
  517. SalespersonB
  518. Media letterB
  519. not entered
  520. CompanyB
  521. Media AddressB
  522. Leads.FMtK
  523. can't find company
  524. Media CityB
  525. Leads.FMtK
  526. can't find company
  527. Media StateB
  528. Leads.FMtK
  529. can't find company
  530.     A    Media ZipB
  531. Leads.FMtK
  532. can't find company
  533. Salesp Phone NumberB
  534. SS #B
  535. Began WorkB
  536. This LetterB
  537. CreatedB
  538. Check NumberB
  539. Check AmountB
  540. Salesperson #B
  541. Check DateB
  543. Total Earnings-Total Payments
  544. Total PaymentsB
  545. Sum (Check Amount)
  546. Adjustments TotalB
  547. Sum (Adjustments)
  548. Advertiser PaymentsB
  549. lookdrct.FMc
  550. BonusB
  551. lookdrct.FMc
  552. Direct ComissionB
  553. lookdrct.FMc
  554. Space ChargeB
  555. lookdrct.FMc
  556. Split ComissionB
  557. looksplit.FM 
  558. Total EarningsB
  559. A1Total Sales Comission + Bonus + Adjustments Total
  560. Total Sales ComissionB
  561. A"Direct Comission + Split Comission
  562. Space Discount
  563. lookdrct.FMc
  564. Adjustments DateB
  565. AdjustmentsB
  566. Adjustments CommentB
  567. Salesperson Name for displayB
  568. Salesperson
  569. Conctact FB
  570. Leads.FMtK
  571. can't find
  572. AddressB
  573. CityB
  574. StateB
  575. Contact FullB
  576. Leads.FMF
  577. Space CreditB
  578. Space Charge - Space Discount
  579. ActiveB
  580. Edit Letter
  581. Salesperson
  582. Print Letter
  583. Salespeople List
  584. Commissions
  585. Adjustments
  586. Payments
  587. Salesperson Comission Stmt
  588. Comission Checks
  589. Edit LetterB
  590.     E:John Doe
  591. ACME inc.
  592. 1701 W Street Lane
  593. Miami, FL 12345-1234
  594. E    Dear Jim,
  595. Sales Letter
  596. Salesperson:
  597. Edit Letter
  598. Salespeople
  599. SalespersonB
  600. Yesf:
  601. Salesperson Name
  602. Phone Number
  603. Began Work
  604. Address
  605. State
  606. Salespeople
  607. Edit Letter
  608. Active
  609. Commission
  610. command
  611. center
  612. Print LetterB
  613. Print Media Letter
  614. Print Letter
  615. E-Make changes as necessary then select "Print"
  616. PRINT
  617. Salespeople
  618. Salespeople ListB
  619. Yesf:
  620. Salesperson
  621. Current Salespeople
  622. Current Salespeople as of //
  623. Current Salespeople 
  624. Began Work
  625. Phone Number
  626. Salespeople
  627. CommissionsB
  628. Yesf:
  629. Yesf:
  630. Yesf:
  631. Yesf:
  632. Yesf:
  633. Yesf:
  634. Yesf:
  635. Yesf:
  636. Yesf:
  637. Yesf:
  638. E    Discounts
  639. Space Charges
  640. Advertiser Payments
  641. Direct Comission
  642. Split Comission
  643. Adjustments
  644. Total Earnings
  645. Paid to Date
  647. Comission Overview
  648. Commission
  649. Space Credit
  650. Salespeople
  651. Adjustments
  652. Allegra@
  653. Consultant@
  654. From@
  655. Lily@
  656. Participate@
  657. Spending@
  658. Worked@
  659. 91005I
  660. AdviseA
  661. December@
  662. OutstandingJ
  663. Tartikoff@
  664. Smith@
  665. 10010J
  668. Payments
  669. AdjustmentsB
  670. Yesf:
  671. Yesf:
  673. Adjustments
  674. Commission
  675. Amount
  676. Salespeople
  677. Salesperson
  679. PaymentsB
  680. Yesf:
  681. Yesf:
  682. Yesf:
  683. Check #
  684. Salesperson
  685. Payments
  686. Commission
  687. Amount
  688. Salespeople
  690. Salesperson Comission StmtB
  691. Yesf:
  692. Yesf:
  693. Yesf:
  694. Yesf:
  695. Yesf:
  696. Yesf:
  697. Yesf:
  698. Yesf:
  699. Yesf:
  700. Yesf:
  701. Yesf:
  702. Yesf:
  703. Salesperson Comission Statement
  704. Address
  705. Phone #
  707. E    Discounts
  708. Space Charges
  709. Ad Payments
  710. Direct Comission
  711. Split Comission
  712. Total Adjustments
  713. Total Earnings
  714. Paid to Date
  716. Space Credit
  717. E    COMISSION
  719. Amount
  720. Comission ChecksB
  721. Yesf:
  722. Yesf:
  723. Check #
  724. Amount
  725. Salesperson Check History
  726. Sally Smith
  727. This is Women In Film
  728. s 20 year Anniversary!  To celebrate, Women In Film is doing a 20 year Anniversary Membership Telephone Directory!  The first section, upfront, has been reserved as a special section for c
  729. ongratulatory, ie, TRIBUTES.  As a strong advocate of Women In Film, we ask for your support in honoring women, many of whom you have worked with in the last 20 years!
  730. Secondly, and equally important, is that C
  731. the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences will be honoring 
  732. Women In Film
  733. - the theme of  the Academy Awards 1993!
  734. What better time than now to participate in this once in a lifetime celebration!  We need 
  735. and appreciate your support in congratulating Women In Film!  Please advise.
  736. Respectfully,
  737. Allegra Bollero
  738. Women In Film Member
  739. (213) 956-3018
  740. Michael DouglasK
  741. (213) 555-2468L
  742. 55-555-555-555N
  743. 8/20/92
  744. This is Women In Film
  745. s 20 year Anniversary!  To celebrate, Women In Film through Paramount is doing a 20 year Anniversary Directory!  In it is a special section upfront for congratulatory remarks, ie, TRIBUTES
  746. .  As a strong advocate of Women In Film, we ask for your support in honoring women, many of whom you have worked with in the last 20 years!
  747. Secondly, and equally important, is that the Academy of Motion PictuC
  748. re Arts & Sciences will be honoring 
  749. Women In Film
  750. - the theme of the Academy Awards 1993!
  751. What better time than now to participate in this once in a lifetime celebration!  We need and appreciate your support 
  752. Dwin congratulating Women In Film!  Please advise.
  753. Respectfully,
  754. Allegra Bollero
  755. Women In Film Member
  756. (213) 956-3018
  757. Sally Smith
  758. k)754 Washington Blvd #400
  759. David Lean Blgd.
  760. Culver City
  761. 90232
  762. Renee Featherstone
  763. Johnny Dormody
  764. The growing members of Women In Film can be your new high spending customers.
  765.     As you know, this year WIF will celebrate 20 years of promotion and awareness.  Current membership includes producers, writers, acB
  766. tresses, and secretaries, all looking for networking contacts.
  767.     Current WIF members include Chairwoman Sherry Lansing, Director Barbra Streisand, Humanitarian Lili Tartikoff, Executive Director Harriet Silverm
  768. an and hundreds of other decision makers in the motion picture industry.
  769.     The new WIF Networking Directory will have an initial print run of 3,000!  Never before will an advertising guide be better received.
  770.     Be a part of this loyal, dynamic marketing force.
  771.     Call us ASAP and reserve your advertising space.  The deadline is December 18, 1992.
  772.     Women In Film: customers in film.
  773. Sincerely, 
  774. Denny Dormody
  775. AdverE
  776. tising Consultant
  777. Bruce Gleason SteadycamK
  778. (818) 555-3334L
  779. 55-555-555-555N
  780. 9/11/92
  781. The growing members of Women In Film can be your new high spending customers.
  782.     As you know, this year WIF will celebrate 20 years of promotion and awareness.  Current membership includes producers, writers, acB
  783. tresses, and secretaries, all looking for networking contacts.
  784.     Current WIF members include Chairwoman Sherry Lansing, Director Barbra Streisand, Humanitarian Lili Tartikoff, Executive Director Harriet Silverm
  785. an and hundreds of other decision makers in the motion picture industry.
  786.     The new WIF Networking Directory will have an initial print run of 3,000!  Never before will an advertising guide be better received.
  787.     Be a part of this loyal, dynamic marketing force.
  788.     Call us ASAP and reserve your advertising space.  The deadline is December 18, 1992.
  789.     Women In Film: customers in film.
  790. Sincerely, 
  791. Denny Dormody
  792. AdverE
  793. tising Consultant
  794. Johnny Dormody
  795. Allison SmothersC
  796. not enteredE
  797. Le Reve HotelK
  798. (818) 555-6559
  799. 55-555-555-555N
  800. 11/4/91Q
  801. not enteredR
  802. Allison Smothers
  803. 85 Cynthia St.
  804. West Hollywood
  805. 90069
  806. Barbara Littlejohn
  807. Frank JonesC
  808. not enteredE!UCLA Extension/Dept. of MarketingK
  809. (310) 555-6221       
  810. Pager (310) 917-8048L
  811. 55-555-555-555N
  812. 8/7/92Q
  813. not enteredR
  814. 4/1/93p
  815. 16.875q
  816. 712.5t
  817. 106.875w
  818. 1500y
  819. 116.875{
  820. 116.875|
  821. 327.5
  822. Frank Jones
  823. 742 Le Conte Avenue #315
  824. Westwood
  825. 90024
  826. Michael Stone
  827. 1172.5
  828. Torance DunnC
  829. not enteredK
  830. (818) 555-3539L
  831. 55-555-555-555N
  832. 10/12/92R
  833. Torance Dunn
  834. Billie BeesesCYThank you for your time on the phone today.  Please buy an ad so my children don't starveE
  835. Resource Directories, Inc.F
  836. 5555 Melrose Ave
  837. Dreier 120G    HollywoodH
  838. 90038K
  839. (818) 555-1561L
  840. 55-555-555-555N
  841. 5/22/92Q
  842. not enteredR
  843. Billie Beeses
  844. Jennifer
  845. Jennifer Roback
  846. Martin Thomas
  847. Thank you for your interest in our new project, the 1993 Women In Film Directory and Blue Pages.
  848. As you might be aware, the membership of this elite organization has outstanding individuals from the highest ecB
  849. helon of Hollywood including Jane Fonda, Liz Taylor, Barbra Streisand, Lily Tomlin, Sherry Lansing, and Gayle Ann Hurd.
  850. Your exposure in the Women In Film Directory will reach thousands of  members with income
  851.  and proven network synthesis, while helping them salute and celebrate their 20th Anniversary.
  852. The directory will help  you to reach thousands of new clients and associates as  a constantly reusable reference D
  853. guide, for the members themselves, their staff, associates, and spouses.
  854. This repeat exposure that you will generate all year will forwardly position you among this elite consumer organization.
  855. Our rates are 
  856. good, directory quality high and the Women In Film  organization powerful, that we look forward to helping you reserve your space and discuss your needs soon.
  857. I should contact you in the next week
  858. SincerelF
  859. Martin Jaffee
  860. (310) 555-1871L
  861. 55-555-555-555N
  862. 10/12/92R
  863. Martin Thomas
  864. Karen MorganC
  865. not enteredE
  866. Westside Pavillion
  867. (310) 555-4488L
  868. 55-555-555-555N
  869. 10/12/92Q
  870. not enteredR
  871. Karen Morgan
  872. 754 W. Pico #312
  873. Los Angeles
  874. 90064
  875. Pamela Smith
  876. Jeffry JonnaC
  877. not enteredE
  878. Hello EnterprisesF
  879. 1234 Aviation Way
  880. Suite #201G
  881. ArcadiaH
  882. 91005K
  883. (818) 555-1238L
  884. 55-555-555-555N
  885. 3/27/92Q
  886. not enteredR
  887. Jeffry Jonna
  888. 754 E. Virginia
  889. Baldwin Park
  890. 91706
  891. Fred Smith
  892. Jerry Jeepers
  893. Thank you for your time on the telephone to discuss the 1993 Women In Film Blue Pages.  Enclosed is a media kit including ad rates.
  894. As I explained briefly, the Women In Film Blue Pages is an advertising suppleB
  895. ment to the official membership Directory for Women In Film.  This limited edition is an outstanding way to reach all of the members and help them celebrate their 20 year anniversary.
  896. I look forward to speakin
  897. g with you in the near future.  Until then, thank you for your time and consideration.
  898. Sincerely,
  899. Jerry Neece
  900. Advertising Consultant
  901. Hello EnterprisesF
  902. 1234 Aviation Way
  903. Suite #201G
  904. ArcadiaH
  905. 91005K
  906. (310) 555-5240L
  907. 55-555-555-555N
  908. 10/7/92
  909. Thank you for your time on the telephone to discuss the 1993 Women In Film Blue Pages.  Enclosed is a media kit including ad rates.
  910. As I explained briefly, the Women In Film Blue Pages is an advertising supple
  911. ment to the official membership Directory for Women In Film.  This limited edition is an outstanding way to reach all of the members and help them celebrate their 20 year anniversary.
  912. I look forward to speakinC
  913. g with you in the near future.  Until then, thank you for your time and consideration.
  914. Sincerely,
  915. Jerry Neece
  916. Advertising Consultant
  917. 3/3/93p
  918. 1300t
  919. 3700z
  920. 112.5
  921. Jerry Jeepers
  922. 743 Fifth Ave.,  Ste. 1210
  923. New York
  924. 10010
  925. Fred SMith
  926. 3587.5
  927. Dayna Longe
  928. Thank you for your time on the telephone to discuss the 1993 Women In Film Blue Pages and Paramount Pictures Studio Blue Pages.  Enclosed, per your request, is a media kit including the Studio Blue Pages.
  929. YourB
  930.  idea of advertising Guess as a wardrobe resource in both Blue Page directories would reach members of the entertainment community for an entire year!
  931. The 20th Anniversary edition of the Women In Film Blue Pag
  932. es will be published just prior to the Academy Awards this spring - so our closing date is February 16.  
  933. The Paramount Studio Blue Pages will be published this Fall and Guess has the opportunity to begin to iD
  934. mmediately advertise its wardrobe in The Blue Pages Newsletter as part of your Blue Pages advertising package.
  935. I look forward to speaking with you.  You can reach me at (213) 956-8705.  Thank you again for you
  936. EMr time and consideration.
  937. Sincerely,
  938. Brian Miller
  939. Advertising Consultant
  940. Guess, Inc.K
  941. (310) 555-5584L
  942. 55-555-555-555N
  943. 11/10/92
  944. Thank you for your time on the telephone to discuss the 1993 Women In Film Blue Pages and Paramount Pictures Studio Blue Pages.  Enclosed, per your request, is a media kit including the Studio Blue Pages.
  945.  idea of advertising Guess as a wardrobe resource in both Blue Page directories would reach members of the entertainment community for an entire year!
  946. The 20th Anniversary edition of the Women In Film Blue PagC
  947. es will be published just prior to the Academy Awards this spring - so our closing date is February 16.  
  948. The Paramount Studio Blue Pages will be published this Fall and Guess has the opportunity to begin to i
  949. mmediately advertise its wardrobe in The Blue Pages Newsletter as part of your Blue Pages advertising package.
  950. I look forward to speaking with you.  You can reach me at (213) 956-8705.  Thank you again for youEMr time and consideration.
  951. Sincerely,
  952. Brian Miller
  953. Advertising Consultant
  954. 71.25s
  955. 42.75w
  956. 1050y
  957. 28.5z
  958. 71.25{
  959. 71.25|
  960. Dayna Longe
  961. 198324 S. Rodeo Dr.  Suite 270
  962. Beverly Hills
  963. 90212
  964. Molly Flaherty
  965. (unassigned)
  966. not enteredE
  967. Hello EnterprisesF
  968. 1234 Aviation Way
  969. Suite #201G
  970. ArcadiaH
  971. 91005N
  972. 5/28/93Q
  973. not enteredR
  974. (unassigned)
  975. Fred SMith
  976. Billie Klayman
  977. Command Center
  978.     MODULES :
  979.      leads
  980.      sales
  981. salespeople
  982. REPORTS:
  983.      salespeople list
  984. SPECIAL:
  985.      commission  reports
  986. Edit Letter
  987. Relookup ALL
  988. Startup
  989. Print 1 Record, Letter, Up
  990. Print All Up
  991. Edit Letter
  992. Leads.FMtabase
  993. Bryan
  994.      salespeople list
  995. Startup
  996. Relookup ALL
  997.      sales
  998. Sales.FMN
  999. salespeople
  1000.      leads
  1001. Leads.FM
  1002. Print 1 Record, Letter, Up
  1003. A    MODULES :
  1004. REPORTS:
  1005. SPECIAL:
  1006.      commission  reports
  1007. Print All Up
  1008. Command Center
  1009. AdMaster.FM
  1010. Yesf:
  1011.     Helvetica
  1012. Geneva
  1013. Palatino
  1014. Chicago
  1015. New York
  1016. Times
  1017. Pro 2.0F!
  1018. Pro 2.0Pro 2.0